Wednesday, March 2, 2011


We wrapped up February with 100 day. The class made a 100 piece snack, read 100 words, said 100 memory treasures and did 100 exercises. Phew...good thing it was a short day. Thank you for the food for our snack.
We also studied weather. The class really enjoyed their chance to be a meteorologist and use the Smartboard to show their tv audience the forecast.
In March we dug into some garbage. The class helped Miss Naumann sort our garbage into piles. We decided to REUSE plastic silverware (we found an real spoon in the garbage too!) We made a pile of food waste to compost and one to feed to the worms. We pulled out plastic containers to RECYCLE and we pledged to REDUCE our paper towel waste by using the hand dryers.
March 2nd is the birthday of Theodore Giesel a.k.a. Dr. Seuss. The class enjoyed a math activity based off of the book "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish." We also played three rhyming games and did a Seuss stamping activity. "

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